Sunday, January 13, 2013

The reason why we’ve done the beta

The reason why we’ve done the beta is to give people the opportunity to play through it and give us feedback. We need decent feedback to make the system. We consider ourselves pretty good designers and developers, but we are nothing without a decent player base giving us feedback all the time. We want to improve the system and make it more suitable for all of our players. We don’t want you to leave, we don’t want you to quit, we love the player base that we’ve got and please help us to make a decent system. If we didn’t care what the players said we would have launched it months ago. We wouldn’t have bothered with a beta, we would’ve said here you go, like it or lump it. We have not done that. We’ve made a beta system to allow people to give us feedback so we could have a good chunk of time to make the system decent for everybody. I don’t want people to quit, that’s the last thing I want, and I’m certainly not saying you should just accept it or go, that’s not what I want at all. Give us your feedback.
This is one of the few opportunities in the industry where you’ll really get listened to. I don’t know how other companies do it but we listen to you and if you’re ever sitting behind a screen and thinking you can’t do anything and you’re looking at it thinking you don’t like it, we will listen to you. Just let us know what you think, give us a suggestion, what you don’t like, how we could improve it, how you would improve it, what would you change, would you scrap bits completely? Tell us your feedback and we will listen. We are working with Mod Emilee to increase our forum presence because we are aware that we have a shed load of work going. Pi’s got to make a super awesome tutorial of awesomeness but we’re still working behind the scenes and I don’t want people to think that we’re not reading the forums. We do have a communication chain going on and we try and get a specific thread pinned every week which we read all of. If you want to get on that one, that will get read by one of us four guys.
It’s worth adding that when we don’t reply it’s probably because we have to take it to another level of feedback and before we can reply to you, we can’t promise anything until say, I speak to Mark and say “Hey Mark, this guy said this and I think it’s really cool. Can we do it?”
We have meetings about this every week about feedback we’ve had on the forums so we can discuss those points. But we need clarity, we need people to say that they’ve tried something, I didn’t like this, I liked this etc. Tell us what you like; tell us what you don’t like. We need constructive feedback. Saying you don’t like something isn’t enough. Tell us why. Don’t forget that we had to change the system. The combat system had got to a point where we couldn’t add anything more to it. It was incredibly difficult for us to keep adding more content to the old system. We had to change it if we wanted to get another 11 years of an awesome game like RuneScape; we had to change the system. It wasn’t an optional thing.
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