Monday, April 8, 2013

Blizzard believes that auction houses Diablo III "harm the game"

It was announced that the console version will be without the auction house for real money. Diablo III has two Buy Diablo 3 Gold auction houses, one with and one with real money in-game currency program. Blizzard has announced that the console version of its successful Action-RPG will not have the first one, and now Jay Wilson, the director of the title, explained the reasons. According to him initially thought that auctions would reduce legitimate and official use of fraud and black market sales, and that only a small number of users would use. He admits they were wrong, and that almost all users of the Diablo III have come to use at some point, and nearly half of them use them regularly. This, to Wilson, the rewards of damaged items, and the pursuit of getting money for it removes the real reward and the reason for that should be played: the campaign itself. The Buy RS Gold manager said that if they could eliminate the auction houses, but dropped that "now is not that easy", since many fans would be angry.

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