Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Eoc Along with the Grand Exchange

During the last month, approximately many of us have noticed the result in the new combat system around the tariff of objects for the Grand Exchange. It’s due to a various different facets, all of which count a significant discussion. It’s my hope that blog will stimulate some healthy debate about the forums, and may create a compilation of changes to improve the modern system.
Prices on the GE are falling in reaction for the volume of items offered for the GE; at this time everyone is panic-selling RS gold items, since they're afraid the cost of those items lowers considerably. That is self-fulfilling; as everyone is liquidating their priciest assets in the event that their rare items dwindle valuable, the cost of these products will go down. If the keeps on, this means the purchase price continue dropping, and may accomplish that quickly. The demand for these products has generally stayed the same - people still want high-level , rare gear - though the variety of sellers has expanded disproportionately.
It’s often the case that people experience these kinds of dramatic go up and down in items prices - just look at the effect on the Grand Exchange right before - and after - a Bonus XP Weekend or bonus drop event.
There are many of good reasons to hold your gear:
1) New Updates
Several updates in development now are geared towards high-level players using the best gear. Updates much like the Kalphite King along with the new Slayer dungeon are now being designed beneath the assumption that players will likely be using the best gear available. Using second-rate gear meant for lower levels just won’t complete the task! Each of the equipment intended for the next step tier will degrade and have higher repair costs, so don’t assume that the current highest level gear will probably be out of date - definately not it!
2) Set Effects and Nex Gear
We're implementing adding set effects to Nex gear (Torva, Pernix and Virtus), consistent with your feedback, and they are aiming to bring this out in early 2013. We're also continuing to check out the fundamental stats in the equipment as well as the enemies we expect a gamer to be fighting with it. New benefits should imply that the cost of these items increases his or her desirability goes past pre-EoC levels.
3) Feedback and enhancements towards the EoC
As with any integral the main game, development and balancing in the Evolution of Combat is ongoing, even post-launch. The list of features we're currently monitoring most closely includes how players use prayers, potions and food. For instance, right now we are able to observe that mid-level gear can be used to fight larger, tougher creatures than we had originally anticipated. That is something we would like to change. We could also discover how the usage of things like Saradomin brews have changed since introduction of defensive abilities and the new ways that Constitution affects the healing level of food. We now have plenty of plans for rebalancing and enhancing the combat game as stands now, so when we can't make any major changes without being sure it does not take right thing, these statistics along with your feedback for the forums are crucial.
4) Having the Practice the EoC
Right this moment folks are still learning to get the best from the new system. New guides are written each day by the community, but there still isn’t a definitive answer to the issue “what is the better thing that i can do?” More than ever, combat in RuneScape is all about deciding on the best gear for any specific task, along with a casino game as huge and sophisticated as ours, that will take time to learn. We're taking a look at arranging some guides ourselves, and as more people exercise the most effective gear for particular situations, those prices will grow and stabilise.
In conclusion: don’t assume that the combat system, nor those items inside, will remain exactly the same. Also, you shouldn't be inclined to sell up your best gear 'just to become safe'. When the changes we've got in mind are launched, and also the interest in high-end equipment becomes even more than before, we have been certain that the prices will rise again.
You may also be interested in the article: Squeal Of Fortune: Tradeable Christmas Gifts

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