Friday, December 28, 2012

Oops I Accidently the Truth

To date I've told not many people about it, but I'm looking to join the U.S. Air Force. And. now that I'm near to acquiring it, (I do think) I believed I should create a blah-blah-blog on it.
It's about mid-July. I've completed my freshman year of college. I became looking to get a qualification in computer science, though the college I had attended the very first year was closing on the computer science program. Because apparently in the average from the last 5 years, below 10 people have graduated with a CS degree each year. Regardless of indisputable fact that there have been 35-ish enrolled in that degree program back then. (It's freakin' Computer Science! Do they really honestly not see that finding myself sought after demand in the current economy?) So I needed been subject to all the hardships of switching colleges, and finally received my school funding. And it only agreed to be enough to pay for my tuition. That didn't add the gas it would choose to use drive 60 miles there and back everyday, (that's still way below living on campus), the $500-ish how the books would cost, and so on the top of that my car had just categorised and needed $1500 worth of repairs.
Therefore i needed employment. Fast. Submitted several applications, got no replies. Spoke with some friends, (I actually incorporate some actual life friends! Well isn't?) got recommended to a place with simple work, good pay, and nice employers which i already knew personally. Applied, had a good interview, thought I became in. Called them back a few days later like they asked, they'd hired 2 away from 4 applicants. I wasn't one.
College were only available in 21 days. No job. No car. Damn I'm stressed.
Then I want to myself... Why don't you consider the military? I'd be learning my trade. No insane college costs, in fact getting money. No more of that well-balanced student crap with english, math, history, psychology, etc., etc. What exactly I wish to learn and nothing else. I wouldn't need to bother about the transition between book learning and achieving my first job where I've found out just how much college won't really equip you for real life.
I really discuss it with my parents, even though they thought the military (A.K.A. Me dying) wasn't the safest thing in the planet, they were okay with it. (I'm 20. Can't really stop me can they? Well they might kick me out...) So you have to see a mall. (That's where all of the military recruitment stations are set-up.) Still going for the entire computer science thing, the Navy and Air Force as my best options. Therefore we type in the Air Force office. Recruiter is busy. Receive an appointment for an additional day. Come in the following day. (Navy gets completely disregarded somehow.) Speak about it. He's not like other recruiters. The results sugar-coating it. I do believe he was really wanting to talk me from the. (Maybe get rid of the wimps prior to them getting to boot camp, surrender, and yes it looks bad on him?) He asks if I'm still interested. I believe that I need to consider it. He provides me with the approval so we head home.
Starting fascinating runescape game from buying cheap rs gold....

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