Sunday, December 16, 2012

FAQ of Runescape hero

RS gold
RS gold

Are you still working on the next two dwarf quests as well? Or has that project been delayed/passed off to someone else?
I am still working on the next dwarf quest. And that's all I'm going to say about it.

How dynamic will the interaction be between the player and these "heroes"? Will they approve or disapprove of your choices in the quests featuring them?
I'm hoping that there can be some kind of dynamic relationship, but I'm not sure how far we can go with it.

In the Dungeoneering Trailer, was that 5 of the signature heros that appeared?
That's Ewain, Ozan and Ariane you can see in the Dungeoneering trailer. (The final in-game appearance of the heroes hasn't been created yet, so they might end up looking a little different from the versions in the trailer.) I think the rest of the characters in the trailer are random extras, not specific characters.

Wait there's a guy called Raptor. Are there dinosaurs in Runescape?
'Raptor' means 'bird of prey'. It's not just a type of dinosaur.

Can you bring Zanik / the Wise Old Man back as a signarute hero?
We thought about this, but in the end we decided to create all-new Signature Heroes rather than using existing characters. As much as I'd like to write new Zanik content, she's quite heavily tied to the goblin storyline, and we wanted the Signature Heroes to appear in lots of otherwise unrelated quests rather than be tied to a particular quest series. The Wise Old Man has similar issues with his quests, and he's also pretty much a comedy character, whereas we wanted the Signature Heroes to be suited to more serious stories.

But them being shown modelling stuff seems weird to it canon? Have they been dungeoneering or is it just for show?
Interesting question. I'd really like to say 'yes', but I think I'll have to say 'sort of'.

It would be really nice to consider all pictures of the Signature Heroes to be canon, but I want artists to be able to make new pictures without worrying about where they fit into the Signature Heroes' stories.

So, for now, let's say the Signature Heroes dungeoneering image is canon, but if we later release a quest where one of the heroes says "I've never been do Daemonheim!" then the image will become non-canon. I hope that makes sense!

Do you think its possible our characters could marry or have a love interest with one of the heros?
Probably not. We're not absolutely ruling out the possibility, but it's not something we're planning at the moment.

If we did include romance, I'd want to make it optional, and give you a choice of which hero to pursue. The trouble is that then we'd be writing content that only some players would experience, i.e. we might write romance plots for four heroes, but each player only plays one. Effectively we'd have spent four times as long writing the same amount of content, which isn't a good use of our time.

What I'd like to do is see how popular the idea of player/hero romance is once we've introduced the heroes to the game.

For now--sorry guys, Ariane isn't interested at the moment. :(

what will be the names of the upcoming quests with the heroes, and what will be the requirments
I'm not giving out that kind of information at this point. Sorry!

Why don't you create quests with multiple outcomes / quests where the player character is the villain?
This is similar to the answer about player-NPC romance. We don't want to make quests where you *have* to be evil, so we'd have to make it optional, but that would mean writing two pieces of content but only letting each player experience one. So, we'd effectively have spent twice as long writing the same amount of content, which isn't the best use of our time.

Are there any plans for any of the heroes from the Betrayal at Falador book eventually becoming Signature Heroes?
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